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Classes and Prices




* £23 per child for a 5 week block
* Additional sibling is £15 if over 9 months.

* £1 CD with the songs



You can pay via bank transfer, cheque or in cash, before the class starts in order to secure a place.




Before the class, I will email you a set of songs and a link to download the tunes. You can also buy a CD with the songs.

Each block covers a different set of songs accompanied by gestures, dances and props!


To get the most out of the class, it would be ideal if you could listen to the songs with your little one beforehand and over the 5 weeks. It is also important that we repeat the same songs as your little one and yourself will come across a lot of new tunes, words and gestures... and hopefully, by the end of it, you will all be confident!

Block A: 5th Sept- 3rd Oct 2015: 10.30
Block B: 7th Nov - 5th Dec 2015: 10.30
                Blocks completed
Block C: 20th February - 19th March 2016: 10.30
*Book NOW*
Block D: TBC
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